Friday, September 30, 2016

Journal Entry: September 30,2016

With the end of September and therefore tomorrow's October 1,2016,I daydream about the cooler, fall weather,football continuing and even hockey and basketball coming back in the coming weeks and months and also,with my nephew's birthday being a week from tomorrow,I daydream about my having children of my own already by now (in all of these,I usually have 2 sons,named William and either Theodore,Andrew or some other traditional boys name and a little girl named Carol Anne and this daydream is no different), and my kids going to see my niece and nephew to celebrate my nephew's upcoming eighth birthday.

Journal Entry: September 29,2016

It's a raw,cool early autumn day as suddenly it feels like we went from late August or early September weather to late October or early November weather, from temps in the 80's all the time to only around 60 degrees. Even some customers are wearing coats and sweaters as they enter the store as if it's 30 degrees out instead of 65. Anyway, this prompts me to daydream about the holiday season upcoming and the coming winter season and therefore wearing down parkas and woolen long-johns and footsie pajamas (For both kids and adults. Even I have a couple of pairs in adult-size,of course).

Journal Entry: September 28,2016

After having a few days off from work,I go back to work again today and it prompts me to daydream about one day having an even better job,making enough to support myself and hopefully,eventually,a family of my own one day.

Journal Entry: September 27,2016

The weather's just starting to change as just a few days ago,it was quite warm and summer-like even as late as the second full day of the 2016 autumn season (September 24,2016),but now it's getting cool out as it's only around 70 or in the lower 70's today;perfect early fall,end-of-September weather.

Journal Entry: September 26,2016

For the first time in over 6 weeks,I hang out with both my friends Anthony and John and we catch-up on things and of course, John mentions how he and his girlfriend are doing and naturally it makes me daydream about my having a girlfriend one day and eventually a wife and children of my own.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Journal Entry: September 25,2016

It's another football Sunday and once again,I go to my friend's house to watch football,this time my friend Joe's house with a few other guys. We watch football games all day and I eventually daydream about watching football with my future sons and seeing them play football themselves one day.

Journal Entry: September 22,2016

It's the first day of autumn 2016 so naturally I daydream about the upcoming holiday season and what I'm planning on dressing-up as for Halloween this year.

Journal Entry: September 21,2016

It's the last day of the 2016 summer season so I daydream about the autumn,football and the cooler weather to come.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Journal Entry: September 19,2016

It's a dull,cool,rainy late summer day,but with autumn starting in a few more days,I daydream about cooler weather and the upcoming holiday season both this year and in future years when,hopefully, eventually,I'll have a little family of my very own as in a wife and offspring.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Journal Entry: September 18,2016

Go to my friend Anthony's house with my other friend Joe (the one who helped me get my current job at his old stomping-grounds), and we watch football all day and it prompts me to daydream about watching football games with my future little boys one day or even watching them play in Pee-Wee League or even in high-school or college,heck maybe in the pros aka the NFL.

Journal Entry: September 16,2016

It was a long,grueling,tiring day at work today and so I daydream of better and brighter days though at times,I do get depressed and wonder if my life will ever get better or if life has just dealt me a cold, cruel hand since the day I was born.

Journal Entry: September 13,2016

Met with person from group trying to help me get some funding for some jobs training programs and other things that I may need and will try to obtain in the coming months and years and the meeting went very well and my sister; Linda and I feel that we've made quite a bit of positive progress.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Journal Entry: September 11,2016

It's the 15-year anniversary of the 9/11-terrorist attacks and I daydream about what I was doing that day and my thoughts on what was going on. It's also the first Sunday of football for the new season so I also daydream about the same stuff I did the other day; watching football games with friends and eventually my sons and maybe even watching my sons play football even if just Pee-Wee League football or just for their high school's team one day.

Journal Entry: September 10,2016

It's another boring day at work so when I can,I daydream about getting a better job,meeting my future wife and having children with her.

Journal Entry: September 8,2016

Tonight's the NFL season opener and naturally,I daydream about the football season ahead and sitting down and watching football games with friends and eventually my children in the future.

Journal Entry: September 5,2016

It's Labor Day 2016 and I'm off from work so I daydream about the end of the summer and the cooler weather to come and of course,the start of the new football season just around the corner.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Journal Entry: September 3,2016

It's the start of the Labor Day weekend so I daydream about watching football games and the cooler autumn weather to come in just a matter of weeks from now.

Journal Entry: September 1,2016

This evening's the last games of the NFL preseason are playing and therefore I daydream about watching football games with my friends and eventually my sons in the future.