Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Journal Entry: November 25,2016

It's Black Friday 2016 so I daydream about future Black Fridays where I'll go shopping and eventually take the kids to see Santa Claus and have their pictures with Santa one day.

Journal Entry: November 24,2016

It's Thanksgiving 2016 and I daydream about future Thanksgivings that I might have one day once I find the mother of my children and we settle down and start a family one day.

Journal Entry: November 20,2016

I go over to my friend Anthony's house to watch football with the guys in our circle of friends and naturally,I daydream about watching football with my future sons.

Journal Entry: November 18,2016

Today's the day that the radio station 106.7 starts playing Christmas music and naturally,I start daydreaming about future Christmases to come while listening to the music.

Journal Entry: November 15,2016

It's mid-November,and that means that the winter season is just around the corner. Therefore,I daydream about future winters in which I take the kids out to play in the snow and maybe,one day, take them skiing or doing other winter activities.

Journal Entry: November 13,2016

I take a nature walk on my day off from work this afternoon and I use the time to daydream about the future, going out on dates and then,eventually, settling down and starting a family one day.

Journal Entry: November 9,2016

Donald Trump is declared the winner of the election and naturally I'm so happy and start daydreaming about all the good things that'll happen if our newly elected president follows through on his campaign promises.

Journal Entry: November 8,2016

It's Election Day and naturally, after I go to vote,I daydream about all the good things that I feel should happen if the guy I voted for (Donald Trump), becomes president. Also,I have my latest physical and despite my being overweight,I'm otherwise 100% healthy, so I daydream about losing some weight and all the good things that might happen from that.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Journal Entry: November 6,2016

It's another Sunday and therefore another day of football. Therefore, I then started daydreaming about watching football games with my kids and watching my kids play football one day.

Journal Entry: November 4,2016

After work,I go hang out at the Starbucks across the street and naturally,I daydream about what I might be doing for this weekend.

Journal Entry: November 3,2016

It's a slow work-day today,so I mostly just daydream about the future and about getting a better job and dating women and eventually having a family of my own one day.

Journal Entry: October 31,2016

It's Halloween,so I go out first with my older sister and my niece and nephew for a couple of hours to let the kids go trick-or-treating and naturally I daydream about taking my own children trick-or-treating one day in the future.Then,later on,I meet up with a couple of my guy friends and me and one of the guys gets dressed-up in costumes and I daydream about going to future costume-parties with my girlfriend and eventual wife.